Olya Shaw


In search of answers to my questions about the origin of life and man on earth, I learned about the activities and publications of Nikolai Levashov and the technologies he created for SvetL. Since 2013 I have been using the SvetL Complex. I felt its effect on my body and my life from the very first days of its activation in Australia. My sleep became deeper, I felt that I had more energy, my emotional reaction to external irritating factors decreased, and my intuition became more noticeable. Very interesting coincidences began to occur in my life, and if I had read about anything like that in books, I would probably have thought "well, this author is really fantasizing!" For many years I have suffered from colds, sinuses, chest infections, flus, and cold sores. In the first year of using the Complex, I noticed that the intensity and frequency of such ailments decreased, and soon they all remained only in my memory. P.S. In the books of Nikolai Levashov and Fedor Shkrudnev, I found answers to all my questions about our planet, the origin of life and human civilization, and about the worlds of micro and macro space.

Alex Probb