SvetL Technology users are granted the most
valuable gift for Human Beings... TIME!

This world in which we live is very aggressive toward all Living Things. The human body is constantly under the overwhelming radiation of household appliances, and drugs and vaccinations reduce immunity.

Our air is poisoned, our water is poisoned and our food is poisoned; air, water and food are all must-haves in order to live. The use of low quality products filled with all kinds of chemicals and poisons destroy the cells day after day. With age, all of this accumulates in the form of free radicals and prevents normal metabolism.

Free radicals are intracellular molecular compounds that reduce the energy level of the cell itself. Daily stress has become a Modern Day epidemic as well as depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia, lowered immunity, colds, flu, headaches, all have become a part of every day living.

When using SvetLWorld Healing Generators, people gradually increase their immunity, sharply decrease their susceptibility to colds, chronic diseases go away, and the whole organism becomes completely healthy.


The Generator monitors you 24 hours a day and is able to look at your entire system, mental, emotional, and physical, pinpoint the issues and make the appropriate changes, preventing future diseases. Working systematically it enables changes at the cellular level, organs, tissues, body systems, and also at the genetic level without exposing the User to harmful byproducts and side effects of most modern drugs.


When interacting with the Owner, the Generator introduces additional Life Potential that was calculated for the optimal lifetime of a living cell in today’s living conditions: 124 years and more in the context of ongoing further development of the brain.

The healing Generators also clean water and food to free it from genetically modified information.


Personal Healing Generators are must-haves for everyone regardless of age, health or lifestyle!