
Frequently Asked Questions

Define Magic! For a person in the middle ages everything we use now is magic: cars, TV, mobile phones and computers. Yet, these technologies represent the result of Scientific progress and technological development. The same applies to our SvetL Generators. They are neither magic nor sorcery; they are the result of the latest scientific developments based on the principles of new physics. These principles work. And there are more and more such technologies coming to light. Many of them are not yet available to the General Public, and many are simply being kept secret, but they are being applied at increasing rates. If you wish to become acquainted with this New Knowledge read the translated work of N. Levashov and F. Shkrudnev. You may download them for free on our website. 

Yes! Before activating your device have your picture taken with an aura camera( most cities and towns have them) Take a second picture of your aura 1-2 months after activating your device.

If your generator has already been activated then we recommend taking a picture of your aura and then disabling the generator by switching off the Galaxy 369 or not wearing your SvetLSonic or SvetL Turbo for 1-2 months and take a second picture and you will see the difference in your aura. Also, pay close attention and make note of the changes that take place. Check out the Testimony of Alexander Pogrebinsky and see his results. See for yourself the dramatic change. 

An owner of any SvetL Device may easily program his/her water at any time. Set your device next to your water over night and in the morning it will be restructured and chemicals and poisons eliminated.

It depends what you want the generator to do, each person has different needs. If you are not certain which generator to buy contact us and we will help you decide.  

Yes, bad thoughts are toxic and All SvetL devices will protect you from the harmful effects of bad intentions from others. Especially Important in the world in which we live today. 

We guarantee only generators that are purchased on our website. It is precisely for this reason that you should register your product on our website. If the website has received and accepted your registration number, the product is genuine.

Do you ask your pharmacist or Doctor for guarantees?

The human body is a complex system. And bio-energetic technology is not a pill or surgeon’s knife. What a surgeon does is clear--cut it off and it will not hurt. Take a pill and get rid of the symptom, but it may also have severe side effects and harm other organs in your body. SvetL Technology works very well and rids the body of disease. Some people see immediate results, but the usual amount of time it takes to become really healthy is 1-3 years. This condition becomes stable because the cause of the disease is treated not the symptom. BUT, this technology is not a substitute for medical care, especially in the early stages of the generator’s use. Therefore, competent medical assistance is also needed if the indications for it exist. Many people eventually go off most or all medications. 



The generator monitors you 24/7. Diagnoses the problem and like a lens and energy converter the generator collects and stores the necessary amount of matter from the Space that forms our Planet. It perfectly fills the essence of the person with an additional flow of subtle energy (primary matter) or in other words with the necessary potential that is exactly in the range of primary matter which the body needs. It also provides a strong protective field within a radius of about 9 feet. This is enough to remain immune to infection, even in regions of the deadly ebola virus epidemic. Our generators are able to generate the additional life potential which is lacking in a person in order to maintain physical and mental health. 

Primary Matter is defined by Levashov as the Cosmic building blocks of the Universe, that when merged in certain conditions, creates hybrids that when combined,creates a physical planet and exists with it, multi-dimensionally, in defined space. Primary matter is mistakenly called dark matter by Scientists today. Primary matter is the life force in all living things.

There are specific processes associated with the activation of the program for general normalization of organs and body systems. Light exacerbations may alternately occur in those places of the body where chronic diseases occur and injuries are or previously were present. Improvement Improvement follows thereafter. It is possible to experience, especially in the morning, some drainage, nasal congestion, and other symptoms in a mild form. This typically passes after a short time. These symptoms are due to the fact that the body starts clearing out chronic infections that had settled in a long time ago. Typically, the effects pass quickly after the first 2-6 weeks. During this time, it is important to drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. If your body is tired, rest. If you have questions during this time contact us.