The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more
progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of its existence.

Nikola Tesla

New technologies are increasingly entering our lives. Technologies that once seemed miraculous and improbable have become an integral part of everyday living.

Our technologies far surpass all that has been known and discovered by previous scientists, including Nikola Tesla, who planted seeds with theories and discoveries but could only dream about the achievements we have now realized for the Human Race.


We are united under a common goal for the good of humanity. Our generators were first created by Visionary, Healer, and Scientist Nicolai Levashov for healing and development.

We want them to be distributed and applied to as many people as possible in the USA and in the world. This is our goal and our responsibility to people!

  • Be more productive

  • Be more creative

  • Become fertile

  • Live longer and spend more time with the people you love

  • Be protected from radiation, poisons, 5G

  • Accomplish things you never thought possible

  • Eliminate chronic diseases

  • Feel happier and lighter

  • Sleep better at night


Go to the future using SvetL World healing devices with:

Intellectual, creative, and emotional healing and development
Deep, comprehensive healing and rejuvenation of the body
Protection from energy informational influence