Healing Autism


Good day. My name is Elena. My son, Yegor, is autistic. Yegor has a SvetL device, and I have a SvetL pendant. In healing-recovery, we regularly used water, charged at night by SvetL and almost every night before going to bed, we looked at Wellness Session No. 3, Moonlight Sonata.


 A year ago, we bought the SvetL device, which fundamentally changed our lives. We began Yegor’s recovery with the SvetL device under the guidance of Feodor Shkrudnev. A year later, my son was taking more initiative in his contact with peers, showing more personal initiative in acquiring everyday life skills, expressing emotions, and demonstrating more independent logic in achieving goals, and in UNDERSTANDING SPEECH. 

I also felt the effect of SvetL on myself, both protective and creative. I noticed a creative leap in my development. I can easily write poems and songs which I had not done before. I feel irrepressibly drawn to applied art in various fields, especially in wood. I feel more confident, internally free, and open to the world with great creative potential and inner energy.  Many thanks to the genius Nikolai Levshov, and to the successor of his work, Feodor Shkrudnev!

Alex Probb