Healing Technology Is Talk of the Town


Everyone is talking about the exciting new healing generators in town and asking how they work? Here is our favorite description written by Feodor Shkrudnev, Levashov’s successor:

Imagine your body as a choir performance and the leader of this choir is your brain. Your brain where memory, consciousness and the mind dwell and where thoughts, desires, and imagination arise.

Your body consists of organs,the organs of cells, and cells of atoms. Each atom vibrates, that is sings its song. Together they play a consonant melody. This is when your cells are healthy. If the cell is sick,or has been attacked by viruses, it starts screaming in pain. When there are a lot of them the organ (or organs), which include diseased cells, will begin to sing wrong notes in their parts in the choirs performance. Your brain, by virtue of a weakened defense mechanism, an unbalanced immune system, takes these wrong notes for granted and the disease develops into a chronic stage. In general we are the atoms of the Universe, and when in a diseased state we introduce discord into the Music of the Spheres. This is where our SvetL Generator comes to rescue you, he is the tuning fork of the Universe, he is a helper and prompter for your brain. It is the SvetLGenerator with all its programs. The Generator takes a look around the entire composition of the choir, checks everyone. Listens to and “looks into the eyes of each”, as if looking into the soul, checking out what is happening there and what changes can be expected. Then the Generator begins to whisper to the conductor(your brain)-replace this one, tell this one to do more rehearsal, or have a heart to heart discussion with that other one. In this manner, the PROCESS of RECOVERY proceeds and the choir will begin to sing in unison, and in rhythm with the resultant process in the created world of the wide reaches of the Universe.

OK, I get it BUT where does the energy come from to do the healing?

The SvetL Generators collect and store the necessary matter from the Space that forms our Planet. According to Levashov’s new physics we live in an anisotropic universe that contains peaks and valleys along with seven kinds of Primary Matter. Anisotropic here means space is not uniform in all directions, and matter materializes in different ways in different areas of space.

When a valley in space reaches a certain measurable, mathematical depth, this attracts primary matter in a process similar to gravity. A merger of the different forms of primary matter results and a hybrid matter is formed. A byproduct of this merger is a flow of energy. This process is duplicated by SvetL World’s healing generators. The embedded program on the generator causes the requisite depression in space and the resulting energy flow. Scientists at Princeton University claim their studies prove thought to be a substance that can influence matter. And Levashov’s claim that the Universe

is anisotropic as opposed to isotropic has been verified by recent scientific research. Quantum Physics also tells us subtle energy is the basic building block of all the cells in the human body.

An anisotropic universe offers us the opportunity to expand our thinking. Is Cosmic connection the next step in Humanity’s evolution of the mind?. Our planet is on the verge of great growth in terms of our knowledge, New Knowledge. This growth will cover most areas of human existence including healing, subtle energy and the everyday aspects of life. We are living in very exciting times with much to look forward to and SvetL provides tools to help you in the Transition to a higher level of Consciousness. Success without these tools is probably not possible. Secure your place in the future using SvetL Technology and experience a future you never dreamed possible!

I am ready to go to the future, How do I know which generator is the right one for me? Everyone is different, a lot depends on your personal needs. If you are generally healthy and looking for protection and maintenance of your health take a look at SvetL Sonic and SvetL Turbo. If you have chronic illnesses Galaxy 369 is for you, it is the top of the line ultimate healing device. Do you want your entire family protected, and living in harmony, including your pets, then you will like our Super Dome. If you are still not sure please contact us for a free consultation. It is very important to get the right device. We are here to help you every step of the way. Here at SvetL World we have been through the healing process ourselves so we know how to help.

Which diseases can SvetL Technology cure?

Pretty much any disease known to mankind. There are certain circumstances where there is not enough life left in the body for a cure, but your life can still be extended. Contact us for a free consultation. Most people can be helped!

Thank you for making SvetLTechnology, The Talk of The Town. Keep telling your friends, neighbors, co-workers and your family about our healing devices and keep asking lots of questions. Together we can save ourselves and our Planet using the tools provided by SvetL,. Technology for good in the World. Technology which is millennium ahead of its time.

Paula Cook